Answers to the biggest questions people have about addiction

Rich with clear and accessible explanations of the effects of drinking and other substance use on the brain and behavior, Addiction: What Everyone Needs to Know summarizes the latest advances in addiction science to clear the air of some of the most polarizing and misleading information that dominates public thinking about addiction.

Available in hardcover and digital formats

The Addiction Recovery Skills Workbook

Practical, evidence-based therapeutic skills fusing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, and mindfulness-based relapse prevention to help you move past your addictive behaviors.

Available in hardcover and digital formats

As seen on

Praise for Dr. Glasner & her work

  • Glasner explains the complex science of addiction in terms that everyone can understand. Most important, she provides guidance to help the afflicted overcome this illness. This book will help end the stigma of addiction and it will save lives.

    D Sheff headshot

    D. Sheff

    New York Times best-selling author

  • Glasner has developed a resource that is at the cutting edge of recovery from addiction…she provides readers with key tools necessary to build the motivation to change, learn the skills needed to change, and apply those skills to achieving and maintaining change.

    J McQuaid headshot

    J. R. McQuaid, PhD

    Professor, University of California

  • Glasner has taken the very best of addiction science and turned it into common sense and step-by-step instructions. … this workbook will be as important for families and friends of addicted individuals as for those affected directly….A powerful and practical tool to aid recovery.

    A McLellan headshot

    A. T. McLellan

    Founder / Chairman of the board — Treatment Research Institute

  • A cutting-edge, comprehensive, and interactive approach to the science of addiction recovery, written with great respect and compassion for the reader. Anyone struggling with the demons of addiction will find real help here, and hope.

    T Cheney headshot

    T. Cheney

    Author of the New York Times bestseller Manic

  • Glasner offers a range of interactive evidence-based therapy tools and techniques to achieve self-directed behavioral change. It integrates several important approaches…giving individuals powerful tools to tackle this devastating illness.

    K Miotto headshot

    K. Miotto

    MD, Professor, University of California at Los Angeles

  • As one of America’s most knowledgeable addiction scientists, Suzette Glasner writes with clarity and authority about the state of the art of treatment for addiction, a devastating disease that affects millions of people and families. Glasner explains the complex science of addiction in terms that everyone can understand. Most important, she provides guidance to help the afflicted overcome this illness. This book will help end the stigma of addiction and it will save lives.

    D Sheff headshot

    David Sheff

    New York Times best-selling author of Clean and the memoir Beautiful Boy

  • In creating The Addiction Recovery Skills Workbook, Glasner has developed a resource that is at the cutting edge of recovery from addiction…she provides readers with key tools necessary to build the motivation to change, learn the skills needed to change, and apply those skills to achieving and maintaining change…integrating the three most critical innovations in evidence-based approaches to treatment in the last fifty years: cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational enhancement, and mindful observation… This workbook will become a standard in the field.

    J McQuaid headshot

    John R. McQuaid, PhD

    Professor, University of California at San Francisco, School of Medicine

  • Glasner has taken the very best of addiction science and turned it into common sense and step-by-step instructions. … this workbook will be as important for families and friends of addicted individuals as for those affected directly….A powerful and practical tool to aid recovery.

    A McLellan headshot

    A. Thomas McLellan

    Founder and chairman of the board of the Treatment Research Institute / Former deputy director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy

  • A cutting-edge, comprehensive, and interactive approach to the science of addiction recovery, written with great respect and compassion for the reader. Anyone struggling with the demons of addiction will find real help here, and hope.

    T Cheny headshot

    Terri Cheney

    Author of the New York Times bestseller Manic

  • Glasner provides a hopeful and highly accessible workbook for people struggling with addiction. This book explains the mystery of addiction and how to communicate with addiction treatment providers. It offers a range of interactive evidence-based therapy tools and techniques to achieve self-directed behavioral change. It integrates several important approaches…giving individuals powerful tools to tackle this devastating illness.

    K Miotto headshot

    Karen Miotto

    MD, Professor, University of California at Los Angeles, Dept of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, and Director, UCLA Addiction Medicine Service

Suzette Glasner headshot

About Dr. Suzette Glasner

Over 20 years of clinical experience treating people affected by addictions and mental health difficulties

Suzette Glasner, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor at the University of California, in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and completed her post-doctoral education at University of California at San Diego and the Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System. Her research focuses on making evidence-based treatments for addiction more accessible using digital health platforms, and she serves as Chief Scientific Officer at Pelago, a digital substance use management clinic. Her psychotherapy practice includes adults, couples and families, and draws on the most well-studied therapy techniques for a range of conditions.

The “One Fact, One Act” newsletter

Every Monday, you’ll get my newsletter. To build your knowledge base about substance misuse and addiction, each week my newsletter will equip you with one scientific fact that you need to know, and one act or action you can take to prevent or change unhealthy alcohol or other substance use.

Get the “One Fact, One Act” newsletter in your inbox

Answers to the biggest questions people have about addiction

Rich with clear and accessible explanations of the effects of drinking and other substance use on the brain and behavior, Addiction: What Everyone Needs to Know summarizes the latest advances in addiction science to clear the air of some of the most polarizing and misleading information that dominates public thinking about addiction.

Available in hardcover and digital formats

The Addiction Recovery Skills Workbook

Practical, evidence-based therapeutic skills fusing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, and mindfulness-based relapse prevention to help you move past your addictive behaviors.

Available in hardcover and digital formats

As seen on

Praise for Dr. Glasner & her work

  • Glasner explains the complex science of addiction in terms that everyone can understand. Most important, she provides guidance to help the afflicted overcome this illness. This book will help end the stigma of addiction and it will save lives.

    D Sheff headshot

    D. Sheff

    New York Times best-selling author

  • Glasner has developed a resource that is at the cutting edge of recovery from addiction…she provides readers with key tools necessary to build the motivation to change, learn the skills needed to change, and apply those skills to achieving and maintaining change.

    J McQuaid headshot

    J. R. McQuaid, PhD

    Professor, University of California

  • Glasner has taken the very best of addiction science and turned it into common sense and step-by-step instructions. … this workbook will be as important for families and friends of addicted individuals as for those affected directly….A powerful and practical tool to aid recovery.

    A McLellan headshot

    A. T. McLellan

    Founder / Chairman of the board — Treatment Research Institute

  • A cutting-edge, comprehensive, and interactive approach to the science of addiction recovery, written with great respect and compassion for the reader. Anyone struggling with the demons of addiction will find real help here, and hope.

    T Cheney headshot

    T. Cheney

    Author of the New York Times bestseller Manic

  • Glasner offers a range of interactive evidence-based therapy tools and techniques to achieve self-directed behavioral change. It integrates several important approaches…giving individuals powerful tools to tackle this devastating illness.

    K Miotto headshot

    K. Miotto

    MD, Professor, University of California at Los Angeles

  • As one of America’s most knowledgeable addiction scientists, Suzette Glasner writes with clarity and authority about the state of the art of treatment for addiction, a devastating disease that affects millions of people and families. Glasner explains the complex science of addiction in terms that everyone can understand. Most important, she provides guidance to help the afflicted overcome this illness. This book will help end the stigma of addiction and it will save lives.

    D Sheff headshot

    David Sheff

    New York Times best-selling author of Clean and the memoir Beautiful Boy

  • In creating The Addiction Recovery Skills Workbook, Glasner has developed a resource that is at the cutting edge of recovery from addiction…she provides readers with key tools necessary to build the motivation to change, learn the skills needed to change, and apply those skills to achieving and maintaining change…integrating the three most critical innovations in evidence-based approaches to treatment in the last fifty years: cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational enhancement, and mindful observation… This workbook will become a standard in the field.

    J McQuaid headshot

    John R. McQuaid, PhD

    Professor, University of California at San Francisco, School of Medicine

  • Glasner has taken the very best of addiction science and turned it into common sense and step-by-step instructions. … this workbook will be as important for families and friends of addicted individuals as for those affected directly….A powerful and practical tool to aid recovery.

    A McLellan headshot

    A. Thomas McLellan

    Founder and chairman of the board of the Treatment Research Institute / Former deputy director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy

  • A cutting-edge, comprehensive, and interactive approach to the science of addiction recovery, written with great respect and compassion for the reader. Anyone struggling with the demons of addiction will find real help here, and hope.

    T Cheny headshot

    Terri Cheney

    Author of the New York Times bestseller Manic

  • Glasner provides a hopeful and highly accessible workbook for people struggling with addiction. This book explains the mystery of addiction and how to communicate with addiction treatment providers. It offers a range of interactive evidence-based therapy tools and techniques to achieve self-directed behavioral change. It integrates several important approaches…giving individuals powerful tools to tackle this devastating illness.

    K Miotto headshot

    Karen Miotto

    MD, Professor, University of California at Los Angeles, Dept of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, and Director, UCLA Addiction Medicine Service

Suzette Glasner headshot

About Dr. Suzette Glasner

Over 20 years of clinical experience treating people affected by addictions and mental health difficulties

Suzette Glasner, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor at the University of California, in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and completed her post-doctoral education at University of California at San Diego and the Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System. Her research focuses on making evidence-based treatments for addiction more accessible using digital health platforms, and she serves as Chief Scientific Officer at Pelago, a digital substance use management clinic. Her psychotherapy practice includes adults, couples and families, and draws on the most well-studied therapy techniques for a range of conditions.

The “One Fact, One Act” newsletter

Every Monday, you’ll get my newsletter. To build your knowledge base about substance misuse and addiction, each week my newsletter will equip you with one scientific fact that you need to know, and one act or action you can take to prevent or change unhealthy alcohol or other substance use.

Answers to the biggest questions people have about addiction

Rich with clear and accessible explanations of the effects of drinking and other substance use on the brain and behavior, Addiction: What Everyone Needs to Know summarizes the latest advances in addiction science to clear the air of some of the most polarizing and misleading information that dominates public thinking about addiction.

Available in hardcover and digital formats

The Addiction Recovery Skills Workbook

Practical, evidence-based therapeutic skills fusing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, and mindfulness-based relapse prevention to help you move past your addictive behaviors.

Available in hardcover and digital formats

As seen on

Praise for Dr. Glasner & her work

  • Glasner explains the complex science of addiction in terms that everyone can understand. Most important, she provides guidance to help the afflicted overcome this illness. This book will help end the stigma of addiction and it will save lives.

    D Sheff headshot

    D. Sheff

    New York Times best-selling author

  • Glasner has developed a resource that is at the cutting edge of recovery from addiction…she provides readers with key tools necessary to build the motivation to change, learn the skills needed to change, and apply those skills to achieving and maintaining change.

    J McQuaid headshot

    J. R. McQuaid, PhD

    Professor, University of California

  • Glasner has taken the very best of addiction science and turned it into common sense and step-by-step instructions. … this workbook will be as important for families and friends of addicted individuals as for those affected directly….A powerful and practical tool to aid recovery.

    A McLellan headshot

    A. T. McLellan

    Founder / Chairman of the board — Treatment Research Institute

  • A cutting-edge, comprehensive, and interactive approach to the science of addiction recovery, written with great respect and compassion for the reader. Anyone struggling with the demons of addiction will find real help here, and hope.

    T Cheney headshot

    T. Cheney

    Author of the New York Times bestseller Manic

  • Glasner offers a range of interactive evidence-based therapy tools and techniques to achieve self-directed behavioral change. It integrates several important approaches…giving individuals powerful tools to tackle this devastating illness.

    K Miotto headshot

    K. Miotto

    MD, Professor, University of California at Los Angeles

  • As one of America’s most knowledgeable addiction scientists, Suzette Glasner writes with clarity and authority about the state of the art of treatment for addiction, a devastating disease that affects millions of people and families. Glasner explains the complex science of addiction in terms that everyone can understand. Most important, she provides guidance to help the afflicted overcome this illness. This book will help end the stigma of addiction and it will save lives.

    D Sheff headshot

    David Sheff

    New York Times best-selling author of Clean and the memoir Beautiful Boy

  • In creating The Addiction Recovery Skills Workbook, Glasner has developed a resource that is at the cutting edge of recovery from addiction…she provides readers with key tools necessary to build the motivation to change, learn the skills needed to change, and apply those skills to achieving and maintaining change…integrating the three most critical innovations in evidence-based approaches to treatment in the last fifty years: cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational enhancement, and mindful observation… This workbook will become a standard in the field.

    J McQuaid headshot

    John R. McQuaid, PhD

    Professor, University of California at San Francisco, School of Medicine

  • Glasner has taken the very best of addiction science and turned it into common sense and step-by-step instructions. … this workbook will be as important for families and friends of addicted individuals as for those affected directly….A powerful and practical tool to aid recovery.

    A McLellan headshot

    A. Thomas McLellan

    Founder and chairman of the board of the Treatment Research Institute / Former deputy director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy

  • A cutting-edge, comprehensive, and interactive approach to the science of addiction recovery, written with great respect and compassion for the reader. Anyone struggling with the demons of addiction will find real help here, and hope.

    T Cheny headshot

    Terri Cheney

    Author of the New York Times bestseller Manic

  • Glasner provides a hopeful and highly accessible workbook for people struggling with addiction. This book explains the mystery of addiction and how to communicate with addiction treatment providers. It offers a range of interactive evidence-based therapy tools and techniques to achieve self-directed behavioral change. It integrates several important approaches…giving individuals powerful tools to tackle this devastating illness.

    K Miotto headshot

    Karen Miotto

    MD, Professor, University of California at Los Angeles, Dept of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, and Director, UCLA Addiction Medicine Service

Suzette Glasner headshot

About Dr. Suzette Glasner

Over 20 years of clinical experience treating people affected by addictions and mental health difficulties

Suzette Glasner, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor at the University of California, in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and completed her post-doctoral education at University of California at San Diego and the Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System. Her research focuses on making evidence-based treatments for addiction more accessible using digital health platforms, and she serves as Chief Scientific Officer at Pelago, a digital substance use management clinic. Her psychotherapy practice includes adults, couples and families, and draws on the most well-studied therapy techniques for a range of conditions.

The “One Fact, One Act” newsletter

Every Monday, you’ll get my newsletter. To build your knowledge base about substance misuse and addiction, each week my newsletter will equip you with one scientific fact that you need to know, and one act or action you can take to prevent or change unhealthy alcohol or other substance use.

Get the “One Fact, One Act” newsletter in your inbox